Spiced Broccoli Indian Style


This is so easy and makes such a delicious alternative to keep up your veg intake without getting bored of them.

I use a good quality Tandoori paste and get my griddle pan out and this is ready in no time.


1 head of broccoli trimmed into spears - blanch it for 5 minutes, make sure you don’t over cook

1 tbsp Tandoori paste (find one you like, I love the Green saffron one)

1tbsp rapeseed oil

1tbsp pumpkin seeds to serve

While the broccoli is still warm, mix the tandoori paste and oil together and toss the broccoli in it so that everybit of it has a coating

Heat the griddle pan nice and warm and cook the broccoli for about 1 minute a side and place onto your serving dish and toss with the pumpkin seeds and serve.

Delicious and so easy !