Orange & Almond Cake


Orange & Almond Cake

In the words of Pru Leith, this is worth the calories - is a lovely summer cake especially if like me you love marmalade. Optional drizzle of icing and some toasted almonds and this makes a delicious sweet treat.

Serves 12

3 oranges boiled in water for 30 mins until soft then blitzed until a thick puree

6 eggs

250g sugar

125 ground almonds

250 plain flour

2tsp baking powder

23cm spring form tin lined and greased

Oven at 160C

Whisk eggs and sugar together until thick and foamy

Fold into the orange puree mixture

Fold in the flour and baking powder and pour into the tin

Bake for 50 mins until the skewer comes out clean

Leave to cool.

If icing, mix 125g icing sugar with juice of an orange and pour over and sprinkle over some toasted almonds.

This will keep for about a week in an airtight tin.