Vegan Chocolate & Raspberry Tart


I first made this in 2012 and have been making it ever since, not because we are Vegan but because it is delicious and easy to make!

Serves 8

200gr walnuts
15 pitted dates
5 tbsp cocoa powder
5 drops chocolate bitters essence (optional)
5 tbsp coconut oil, softened at room temperature
100g raspberries

<strong>Chocolate Fudge topping</strong>
150gr good quality chocolate drops or a chopped chocolate bar
1/2 avocado
100gr raspberries

Oven at 160C

Blend the walnuts until like a rough flour then add the dates and pulse till combined
Add the cocoa powder, optional chocolate bitters and coconut oil and pulse a few more times
Tip into a bowl and add the raspberries and stir / lightly mash - you don't want to completely mash the raspberries, just enough to combine
Tip into a spring form pan, flatten with an offset spatula and bake at 160C for about 20 minutes

Make the topping by melting the chocolate and leave to cool slightly before tipping into a blender with the avocado and raspberries and blend till lovely and fudgey
Spread over the cake, top with some more raspberries and leave to set
Lovely with some raspberry coulis